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Albany Wood Works
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Our Story

While other businesses are built in boardrooms, ours was born in the swamps of Louisiana, where thousand-year-old Cypress trees and 500-year-old pine trees once pierced the sky.

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Reclaim the beauty ​of antique wood

These giants of the ancient forests have long ​been revered for their close-grained heartwood, ​making them highly coveted by the traditional ​craftsman looking to build sturdy warehouses to ​keep up with the demands of the industrial ​revolution of the 1800s.

Today, these beautifully built warehouses are ​being torn down and replaced.

To say we’re passionate about what we “do” would be an understatement.

You see, the last virgin-growth forests have long ​since been cut down, making it impossible to ​duplicate the quality, durability, and affordability that ​was once readily available.

As I began to build my family’s home, I committed to ​the look, feel, and quality of the tight-grain, ​heartwood found only in antique lumber. Since ​reclaimed building materials like these were not easy ​to come by, I had to ask myself:

What could I do?


Albany Logo Richard

I followed a vision of reclaiming the antique lumber of ​days past, a journey that would forever change the ​lives of my family and me.

Tracing the history of the original lumber forests, I ​found that many turn-of-the-century commercial ​buildings, now being torn down around me, were built ​from this high-quality lumber.

From the remnants of these abandoned buildings, I ​salvaged antique heart pine and cypress, which ​became our family’s home and the birthplace of ​Albany Woodworks.

A home and office built by my own hands from ​reclaimed, antique woods. I honestly can't think of a ​better representation of what we stand for here at ​Albany Woodworks:

Family. Craftsmanship. Preservation.

Everything we do focuses on those three words. I'm ​always proud to share this project with my wife, ​Judith, and our two daughters, April and Alissa, who ​are now helping to carry our mission onward.

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