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Through the Lens at a Multi-Million Dollar Commercial Project

A glimpse into a New Orleans commercial project where Albany Woodworks provided antique heart pine beams and ceilings. Photographer Chad Chenier shares his experience.

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BY April Woods


Behind the scenes on a shoot for a multi-million dollar commercial project in New Orleans!



A look through the camera lens at a  New Orleans commercial project. Albany Woodworks provided all the antique heart pine beams and ceiling for this multi-million dollar new build for a New Orleans based foundation. We caught up with local commercial photographer Chad Chenier. In this video, he discusses our quality craftsmanship and his experiences with photographing Southern Louisiana architecture while working for Louisiana Homes & Gardens Magazine.

Chad Chenier: “My name is Chad Chenier. I am originally from Louisiana, born and raised. I have worked as a staff photographer for Home & Gardens Magazine for about seven years. And over that time, you really get a good sense of how to frame and how to use the lighting that you have but also supply a little bit of your own to really bring the space alive. And that comes in different array of techniques. It is something I am very familiar with doing and something that my clients really enjoy.

Albany Woodworks is really fantastic. I mean they are involved with  some really high quality craftsmanship. I can say I have seen all different kinds of homes here and their style really fits well here but for someone who is maybe outside of this area (Louisiana) but enjoys the look and the feel of this type of work. I am sure it will work well with those places also.”

For more information about Chad Chenier, click here. For more information on Albany Woodworks, click here.