Being green can be as simple as changing what is around you. For Richard Woods, CEO of Albany Woodworks, that means finding a sustainable use for the wood chips, sawdust and shavings, a sizable byproduct of the fully-automated lumber facility he and his wife Judith have owned and operated for the last 37 years. Not to mention his vision of one day using alternative energy to power the day-to-day operation of the Albany Woodworks mill. Richard’s long-standing track record in manufacturing some of the best quality ‘green’ antique building materials in the industry proves that living sustainably is not just an idea, but a viable reality.
From our Albany Woodworks Facebook Page:
“Like Kermit says, “Its not easy being green.” But they make it look good don’t they! The Head of Our Grant Writing Department at our new green-energy start-up and Albany Woodworks CEO Richard Woods aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and get a little “soot-y” for the cause. Updates to follow on our progress towards a facility that is ‘fully green’ and energy-independent.” #ecofriendly #offthegrid #greenliving