Blogger’s Note: Submitted by Albany Woodworks Facebook viewer Donald Thibodaux, original ads from the Southern Cypress Manufacturers’ Association, featured prominently in National Geographic throughout the 1930s – 1940s. Designed to attract national buyers to our, at that time relatively untapped, resource of virgin-growth Tidewater Cypress timber. Upon viewing these, it becomes apparent that much can be said about the unique and enduring qualities of Louisiana Cypress (now known as reclaimed Antique Heart Cypress from Albany Woodworks), but none with such practicality and elegance as it receives here.
From the Southern Cypress Manufacturers’ Association print advertisement featured in National Geographic, 1930-1940:
(Above) National Geographic Print Ad Does Cypress ‘The Wood Eternal’ Last?:
“Study These Photographs of an ‘Ingrowing Fence.’ (Pictures of cypress lumber embedded into living cypress trees, which after many years have bonded together into a ‘living’ fence). The proof of the fencing is in the lasting. Build of Cypress Lumber and you build but once. Insist on Cypress at your local lumber dealers. If he hasn’t it, let us know IMMEDIATELY.” Southern Cypress Manufacturers’ Association 1200 Hibernia Bank Building, New Orleans, La.
(Above) National Geographic Print Ad Tide Water Red Cypress ‘The Wood Eternal’:
“When you build to-day construction gives generations of service as shown by authentic record of building experience down through the centuries. Used for foundation timbers, sills, siding, porches and all exterior woodwork, Tide-water Red Cypress successfully resists decay influences by virure of the natural preservative grown into the wood, averts costly repairs and stops early depreciation at the source – practical economy.
And, beauty of grain, ease of working, non-warping quality, plus ability to take all finishes, also recommend ‘the Wood Eternal’ for interior woodwork of enduring beauty, at a relatively moderate cost.
Whether you are planning a mansion, a cottage, a bungalow or just a garden fence, it will pay you to get all the facts about this versatile wood and build right in the first place. Write for Free Cottage of Bungalow Plans.” Southern Cypress Manufacturers’ Association 1224 Poydras Building, New Orleans, Louisiana.
(Above) National Geographic Print Ad Tide Water Cypress ‘The Wood Eternal’:
“Tide Water Cypress ‘The Wood Eternal’ is the World’s Standard Specialty Wood for its particular uses – not merely an alternative commodity. We recommend Cypress only where it is best for you. Builders and prospective builders will be intensely interested in the following excerpts from the U.S. Government Report on Cypress – Bulletin 95, Department of Agriculture, Forest Service:
‘Cypress is put to almost every use as an interior trim for houses … natural color or stained … contains little resin … thus affords a good surface for paint, which it holds well … popular … for kitchens, where it is subjected to dampness and heat … shrinks, swells or warps but little … For the parts of houses exposed to the weather it serves equally well. As siding it practically wears out before it decays … made into porch columns it retains its shape, holds its paint, and has sufficient strength … It is placed as cornice, gutters, blinds … and railing, and is much used for Porch Floors and steps.’
You know the conservatism of Government Reports. When planning a Mansion, a Bungalow, a Garage, a Sleeping Porch, a Pergola, or just a Garden Fence, remember – ‘With Cypress You Build But Once.’ Insist on Trade-Marked Cypress at your local lumber dealer. If he hasn’t it, let us know IMMEDIATELY.” Southern Cypress Manufacturers’ Association 1336 Poydras Building, New Orleans, Lousiana.
Trade mark for the Red Tidewater Cypress mentioned in the Southern Cypress Manufacturers’ Association ad, used to differentiate authentic Louisiana Cypress from counterfeit.