Caption: “1,000 Facebook Fans? That’s Sooo Many Humans. Fun Fact: Although cute and cuddly now, these little Louisiana Black Bear cubs will grow up to become efficient 400-pound omnivores.”
Thank You Viewers! Because of you, we are able to unlock the stories of our Louisiana past with shared accounts of family memories from pivotal historic events. We get to see the beauty of our state’s natural resources, up close and personal, through your eyes. And we get a sense of what it truly means to live in an area so full of history, it’s bursting at the seams. This is all made possible by you, our wonderful viewers!
We would also like to announce the winners of our Bayou Board ‘1,000 Likes’ Giveaway contest! Winners Brittany Benton and Ronda Thomason Benton will each receive a Combo Bayou Board Set, a $19.95 value!
From our Albany Woodworks Facebook Page:
“#bayouboards #giveaway Congratulations to Brittany Benton our lucky #1000 ‘Like’ and Ronda Thomason Benton, our viewer who recommend her! They each will receive a Bayou Boards Combo Set, valued at $19.95! Thanks to everyone who participated in our contest, more surprises planned ahead, stay tuned! #winner #1000Likes“
Albany Woodworks is your #1 national resource for quality antique reclaimed lumber. We have a deep appreciation for history, built on a 37-year tradition of excellent craftsmanship, which allows us to provide the best service and antique wood products for your home.
Our new online store features 100% Antique Heart Pine and Cypress hand-crafted Louisiana-made products. including our grill-friendly 100% Antique Cypress Bayou Boards.
Visit our Online Store: Click Here